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ROKUHAN > News&Information

Movie for Trunk layout minimum support kit

We have uploaded a movie for "Trunk layout minimum support kit" which is under development.

The kit includes only basic parts for your unique layout at a reasonable price.

We would llike to hear your comment about this Trunk layout for our further development. 

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May 7, 2011  |  Permalink  |  TOP

Movie for Additional turnout switch

We have uploaded a new movie for additional turnout switch which is under development.

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May 2, 2011  |  Permalink  |  TOP

Rokuhan distributor in Europe

We would like to announce that our European distributor is NOCH GmbH & Co.KG.

Please contact them if any interest for Rokuhan products and the sales.

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April 26, 2011  |  Permalink  |  TOP

Movie for Curved remote turnout R195/R220 - 45°

We have uploaded a movie for Curved remote turnout R195 / R220 - 45° with power routing system which is under development.

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April 19, 2011  |  Permalink  |  TOP

Rokuhan distributors in North America and Australia / New Zealand

We would like to announce about our distributor in North America and Australia / New Zealand as below.

European distributor will be fixed and announced shortly.


  North America

     InterMountain Railway Company

     P.O. Box 839, Longmont, CO 80502, U.S.A.



  Australia / New Zealand

    JNR Models

    P.O. Box 97, Vermont, 3133, Australia


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March 23, 2011  |  Permalink  |  TOP

How to change Rokuhan turnout into non-power routing

We have uploaded a movie "How to change Rokuhan turnout into non-power routing".

When you modify your Rokuhan turnout, please do it with are and self-responsibility.

Rokuhan is planning to sell new PCB for non-power routing. Try to change it referring to this movie until new PCB is sold.


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March 15, 2011  |  Permalink  |  TOP

Earthquake in Japan

A big earthquake occured at the north east coast of Japan as you may know.

We are trying to recover now though we got a big damage.

Rokuhan also had a minor damage, but we are now working as usual.


Rokuhan Company Limited

May 14, 2011

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March 14, 2011  |  Permalink  |  TOP

How to fix Rokuhan track on board

We have uploaded a movie "How to fix Rokuhan track on board".

Please refer this movie for your layout.

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February 17, 2011  |  Permalink  |  TOP